Frequently Asked Questions

Shelf Life:

Our liquid fertilizers have an indefinite shelf-life, until water is added. Always shake well before use. The longer the product is stored, the better you’ll have to shake it up.


Keep our liquid fertilizers in a space avoiding big temperature swings, and don’t let it freeze. Leaving our liquid products in direct sunlight promotes condensation to form inside the bottle, which can lead to spoilage. Close lid tight after each use and shake well before using.

How long do I need to wait after applying Neptune's Harvest Organic Fertilizers before I can harvest crops like tomato's and leafy greens for consumption?

There is no wait time needed! If you spray right before harvest you’ll have to wash the greens or berries good, before eating, but after several hours the fertilizer is all absorbed and it changes chemistry once in the plant, so there is never any flavor transfer on anything.

In fact, customers report they often notice how great everything looks, smells and tastes. It really increases the sugar in the plants.

Lawn Application:

A gallon of Neptune's Harvest Liquid fertilizer will cover 8000 sq. feet, a quart covers 2000 sq. feet. Apply to your lawn once per month. If you are using a Hudson Sprayer, it holds 1 quart so will do 2000 sq. feet. The 4 oz. setting on the top of the dial works great. Eyeball 2000 sq. feet, and begin spraying walking backwards in a fanning motion. When the sprayer is empty, you should have covered the 2000 sq. feet. Crab Shell is a perfect natural addition to your lawn. It helps control Ants, Grubs, Fungus and weeds. Crab Shell is also great for greening up your lawn!

Crab & Lobster Shell Application:

10 lbs. per 1000 sq. feet and use at least twice a year (spring and fall). You can use as often as once per month if needed, for really poor soil.

Kelp Meal Application:

10 lbs. per 1000 sq. feet and use at least twice a year (spring and fall). You can use as often as once per month if needed, for really poor soil.

Starting Seeds:

Soak seeds in a solution of 1 tablespoon Neptune's Harvest Fertilizer per quart of water, until they begin to swell. The bigger the seed, the longer this is. The beans may take overnight. Once you plant the seeds, water with the solution you’ve soaked them in. This can get a little smelly, so if you have a basement or side room you don’t use much, that would be best. It’s really not THAT bad, and goes away quickly.

After that use ½ oz of fertilizer(1 tablespoon) per gallon of water, once a week. Once the 1st primary leaves are out, and the plants are 4 to 6 inches tall, up it to 1 oz. per gallon of water, once a week.


Presoak the new location by using 1 oz of Neptune's Harvest per gallon of water poured right into the hole, then put the transplant in quick, before all the water is absorbed by the soil. This allows the nutrients to go right into the root ball and surrounding soil. The plant will be off to a great start and you’ll prevent transplant shock. Water as needed thereafter.

After planting, you can begin foliar feeding using the same 1oz/gal dilution rate. You may continue fertilizing as often as once a week, but in most cases every 2 to 3 weeks is adequate.

Drip Tape Use:

All of our liquid products can be run through drip. Shake the product up really well, before putting it into your system. Don’t leave the fertilizer diluted for more than 2 hours tops, before it runs all the way through the lines, or it will start to stink. You need to flush your lines with clear water for about 5 minutes, after running the fertilizer through, to flush the lines. Otherwise the oils in the Fish will dry in there, and could clog things the next time you use it.

Use about 1 quart per 2000 sq. ft. for area coverage. The water to Fertilizer ratio should be 1:100 or 1:28 (1 oz. per gallon of water), when it is delivered to the plants.

Feeding Schedule for Soil & Hydroponic use

Here is a link to our Feeding Schedule Download PDF.

Tomato & Veg Application:

Our Tomato and Veg Formula will produce more leaves. Most flowering plants like the TV for the 1st few weeks, then RF for the rest of the season. For vegetables and berries, the idea is to get the plant big and full of leaves, then encourage the flowers/buds, which become vegetables or fruit. Same idea for flowers. It’s a 2 part program. First TV then, when flowering begins, switch to the RF.

Rose & Flowering Application:

Our Rose and Flowering will produce the flowers. Tomato and Veg will produce more leaves. Most flowering plants like the TV for the 1st few weeks, then RF for the rest of the season. For vegetables and berries, the idea is to get the plant big and full of leaves, then encourage the flowers/buds, which become vegetables or fruit. Same idea for flowers. It’s a 2 part program. First TV then, when flowering begins, switch to the RF.

Mixing a 5-Gallon Pail:

All of our liquid fertilizers should be mixed well before dilution; a 5-gallon pail can be heavy and awkward to handle. Instead of attempting to lift or shake your pail find a soft surface(such as a grassy area)to roll/flip it around as best you can. If you find the technique described above too cumbersome still, you can use an old broom stick to stir things up until the weight becomes more manageable.

Always use caution when mixing your pail: ensure the lid is securely fastened before you begin, if stirring use a clean object to avoid undesired contamination of the remaining product.

Opening a 5-Gallon Pail:

Locate the spigot on the top of the pail, pop off the white cap and then you will see a pull tab. Pulling firmly on the collar should 'pop' it out creating a spout. Once the required amount is dispensed you may collapse the spout again, if desired, and securely fasten the cap.

Cedar Oil Application:

Here is a link to our Cedar Oil Application Rates Chart Download PDF.

How to open Best Yet 32oz Refill:

Here is a link to our opening Instructions Download PDF.

Troubleshooting Hudson Sprayer:

Here is a link to our Hudson Sprayer Troubleshooting Instructions Download PDF.

Cleaning a spill:

This has happened a few times and have some suggestions you can try for cleaning rugs, garage, car interior, etc…
1. A product called ‘Nature’s Miracle
2. Febreze
3. Baking Soda
4. Hydrogen Peroxide/water 50/50
5. Bleach. 1/8 cup per gallon of water (don't forget, it's bleach)

These have shown good results according to customer feedback.

What if I am allergic to Seafood or Shellfish?

If you are allergic to seafood, you can still use the product. Don’t touch it or breath it in, but once you apply to plants, you can eat them without worrying.

My Pet consumed your fertilizer:

It’s not a problem at all. We have farmers who mix it in with feed. It’s just ground up fish, and some phosphoric acid as a stabilizer, which is also found in Coke and Pepsi. They’ll have nice shiny coats and be very healthy. As always, reach out to your veterinary care provider if you notice strange or unusual behavior.